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Friday, August 20, 2010


Nicole, Me, Keaton, and Abbie
Today was insane! There were so many people moving in! The Provost Scholars had a special program at 9:00 at the Inn, so my neighbor Nicole and I walked together. As we walked out the door at 8:45, there were already about 50 people waiting to check in and unload. Traffic was insane all day, and people were everywhere. The line for the elevators was so long it extended down the hall and out the front door! I used the stairs at least 10 times today. After lunch, Mom and Royann picked me up, and we ran some errands then also said our goodbyes.  What did I do my second night in Oxford? I went to the square! Abbie, Nicole, Keaton, and I all hung out and took our time getting dressed. We decide that we want to go to the The Lyric to the Sigma Chi Rave. It's Ladies Night! Then the question comes up: "Do we really want to drive a car to the square and fight the awful traffic and parking?". We all agreed NO! So it's John Bartley to the rescue, we think. He picks us up, and we squeeze in his car with he and his two friends. To the square we go. It is packed, and we are looking for parking. John Bartley misses about 5 parking places before settling on the Newk's parking lot about 6 blocks from The Lyric. Now this would be ok, but, yep, we are all wearing heels. We finally make it to The Lyric and the line to get in is half way down the street. Again, John Bartley to the rescue. Somehow he manages to get us all throught the crowd and in the door. When I say packed, I mean packed! Dancing and heels...not the best of friends. The Lyric closes at 1, so everyone is told to leave at about 12:45. Thankfully, my bed and flip-flops are waiting when I return to the dorm.

The Lyric

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